There have been some great articles in the past few weeks worth reading on sleep medicine in children.
Sleep Guidance for Kids and Teens Is Based on Sound Science
Mary Carskadon, Ph.D, and Judy Owens, MD, are two of the leaders in the field of pediatric sleep medicine. In this article from the Huffington Post, they address two recent papers that have gotten a ton of press. These articles have questioned decades of sleep research. One, the Pediatrics article, especially ignored the preponderance of evidence supporting sleep recommendations.
Sleep Syllabus: Resources for Tired Families
Heidi Roman, MD, is a California based pediatrician and blogger. I posted this article on Facebook and it got a lot of love from both parents and pediatricians that I know. Full disclosure: She cites a piece I wrote in this article.
Dear parents, I support sleep…that is all
Heidi linked to this article but I think it is worth noting. Melissa Arca, MD, writes about pediatric issues on her blog and for the Sacramento Bee. This article highlights the point that if you are happy with your sleep arrangement, let it be. There is a lot of guilt around sleep issues imposed (usually unintentionally) by physicians, friends, grandparents, etc.
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