“Cry it out” (CIO) sleep training is one of the most commonly used and recommended sleep training methods. It’s the best studied in the medical literature.It’s also the sleep training method that most …
How to use the“Le Pause” method to help your baby sleep better
This weekend I met my friend Samuel at the park. A native of Brittany, he’s describing my children as “the mysterious French man”, but like me, he is a suburban dad here in Connecticut. This reminded …
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How To Deal With A Sleep Regression
Sleep regressions are a common concern for parents. If your child has been sleeping well, and then starts You may be in the the middle of a sleep regression. (I have some concerns about the …
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FAQ and Tips on Sleep Regressions
Sleep regressions are a major pain point for parents. I've covered there elsewhere What is the first thing parents should do if their child is now having sleep issues? Check and see if your …
What to do about a nap strike
Nap strikes are a special kind of sleep regression, where your child who used to nap like a champ just starts to refuse to go down for a nap. These occur common around the times that children are …
Are sleep regressions real?
I'm going to be honest here-- I don't love the term "sleep regression" because I feel like the term is imprecise. Eagle eyed readers may note that I put the term "regression" in quotes. Am I …