Nap strikes are a special kind of sleep regression, where your child who used to nap like a champ just starts to refuse to go down for a nap. These occur common around the times that children are …
Are sleep regressions real?
I'm going to be honest here-- I don't love the term "sleep regression" because I feel like the term is imprecise. Eagle eyed readers may note that I put the term "regression" in quotes. Am I …
Ask us anything #1 (Ep 6)
In our first mailbag episode, Arielle and I take a deep dive into your most pressing sleep-related questions, from the perfect setup for your toddler's room to managing sleep challenges in children …
Do Wake Windows Help Babies and Kids Nap Better?
"Wake windows" are a newly popular concept in infant and toddler sleep. In a nutshell, "wake windows" are intervals between naps. They are also known as "awake windows" or "baby wake windows". …
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Is Your Child Struggling with Napping? Here’s Help
If your child is struggling with napping, I recently wrote an article for the New York Times called, Your Kids Refuse to Nap? There's Hope. In it, I cover what to expect from your child at different …
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Eight Teen Sleep Tips You Haven’t Heard Before
Teenagers are more sleep deprived than ever before— about 85% don’t get enough sleep at night. There are lots of reasons for this: excessive homework, too early school start times, and the intrusion …
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Five Sleep Myths Some Pediatricians Believe
Sleep problems in children are some of the most common concerns which parents have, but frequently pediatricians (and other clinicians) may not have great information about how to fix these problems. …
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Do Toddler Naps After Age 2 “Spoil Sleep”? Not So Fast
Recently, week, a study was published with the innocuous title of “Napping, development and health from 0 to 5 years: a systematic review”. From the media coverage, you would guess that toddler naps …
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